Monday, February 21, 2011

What you should do when your dog get skin disease!!!!

Hmmm......Skin disease is really annoyed when yours pet get effected by this kind of disease...because it will causes yours pet to drop off hair, itching, and scratching.
But if you follow my guide and use those medicine...i`m sure (80%) that your pet will away from skin disease!!! Why?? follow the step and i will tell you *WHY*

Before that....i would telling you that skin disease is a common problem and its wont harm your pets if u take a right action....but if the problem is getting serious...please go to nearest veterinarian to get better treatment....( at this rate you will have a big big hole in your pocket haha) so take care yours pet by following my guide to avoid a big hole in yours pocket!!!

Here are the symptoms of dog skin disorders may show:
* Anal glad problems
* Brown, black or grey discoloration
* Chronic inflammation of the inner ear canal
* Very dry skin
* Skin flaking, resembling dandruff
* Foul odor to the skin
* Greasy coat
* Hair loss
* Dog itchy skin - mild to severe (meaning blood is drawn from scratching)
* Large brown flakes
* Pimples and blisters that may discharge blood or pus
* Dog skin rash
* Redness and irritation
* Scabs or crusts
* Dog Warts

Here are the few Step you will have to take.....

Step 1: Use a proper Soap...Some soap chemical may have negative effect to your pets skin....(under research for different country of soap production)....For all owners i m strongly suggested to bath your pet 5 to 6 times a month and at least once a week u bath yours pet....

Hint: Use Johnson Baby Shampoo...because i m using and i think it really good and the soap wont harm your pet eye... =D

Step 2: Dog food....always ensure that the dog food that you buy for yours pet is a high quality dog`s food...If yours pet is consuming a poor quality dog`s food is actually harming your pet healthy and skin...because lack of nutrition.....Therefore, I will be given few step on guiding how to determine either the food is high quality or not. (under process of determines because of different in country) for me Bill Jack will be the best choice..

Step 3: Vaccinations..... Some dogs may have negative skin reactions to vaccinations. There is no way to tell whether or not your dog will react negatively to specific vaccinations, but if it does happen, go back to your veterinarian immediately and they will be able to help you. The necessity and health impact of vaccinations is heavily debated between the *conventional* and *holistic* veterinary communities.

Hint: See Dog Vaccination Schedule page to better understand the debate along with your vaccination options.

Step 4: Psychological Factors.....Dogs can have similar physical reactions to mental difficulties, which include skin problems. Dogs who are very bored, stressed, angry or irritable or lack stimulation on a daily basis may show these mental issues through the skin.

Hint: Always spend at least 3 hour a week playing with yours pet or bring it go to nearest garden to have a walks.

Step 5: Dog Fasting is the first step to combating a specific skin problem or outbreak. Fasting your dog mimics what the dog would do in the wild which is to allow the dog’s body a chance to clean itself out. It will also allow the dog’s system to focus on healing the disorder instead of spending energy digesting food.

Step 6: Proper natural skin care around affected area...
1. Clip away excess hair covering the spot on the skin.
2. We like the Castor & Pollux Head to Tail Aloe Oatmeal Shampoo.
3.After drying the hair and skin, try cleansing the spot(s) with a black or green tea. This can be done often. Using these teas supplies a tannic acid which helps to dry up the moist areas of the skin.
4.Next, apply natural Vitamin E oil or an aloe vera gel extracted from a living plant. These can be found at most health food stores.
5. If the Vitamin E or aloe Vera gel don't work to provide relief from itching and inflammation, you can also try these natural options:
1. Apply a little milk of magnesia by pouring a little onto a cotton ball and applying it to the skin of your dog.
2. Apply a little baking soda mixed with water to the affected skin.

If the problem still cant be solve...then you have to go to veterinarian...